Laser Skin Rejuvenation | Ipswich | Revolution Beauty Clinic
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If your skin is looking a little less fresh than you’d like, you may want to consider a skin rejuvenation procedure. Laser Skin Rejuvenation is the latest and greatest innovation in this industry. It can minimise fine lines, wrinkles, freckles, sun damage, acne scars, stretch marks, and even an uneven skin tone.

To rejuvenate means to make young again or to restore youthful vigour and that is exactly what photo rejuvenation can do for you. If you look in the mirror and don’t see the fresh and young-looking skin that you used to see, don’t get disheartened because there is now a safe and easy way to get it back again.

Photo ageing occurs naturally but is intensified by the sun and certain other factors, such as smoking. Over time, ageing, trauma, sun exposure, and certain lifestyle factors cause a number of veins and capillaries to break. These appear as red streaks or blotches on the face.

IPL skin rejuvenation is effective on:


  • Wrinkles

  • Sagginess

  • Fine lines

  • Sun-spots

  • Age-spots

  • Broken capillaries

  • Excessive freckling

  • Dull Complexion

"How does IPL skin rejuvenation work?"
IPL fires out a broad spectrum of light that is precisely calibrated to hit the areas of higher concentration of melanin such as sun-spots and age-spots and to reach deep into the lower layers of your skin. Hitting these spots acts to damage the tissue and the body's natural processes will work to carry away this damaged tissue and replace it with fresh healthier skin. 


While hitting the inner layer of your skin stimulates these cells to create more collagen. More collagen works to firm up your skin, diminishing wrinkles, and sagginess. Overall you end up with rejuvenated younger-looking skin.

"What can I expect following the treatment?"

You will see gradual changes following each treatment but won't get the overall effect until you have had at least five treatments. There may be some redness in the area treated for a few days following the treatment, but make-up can be gently applied over it.

"Does IPL hurt on the face?"
A slight warm flicking sensation on the skin, like the snapping of a small rubber band will be felt but this is a totally bearable level of discomfort.

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